
Full Version: Today, 100 years ago: Battle of Warsaw - Miracle on the Vistula
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Today marks the centennial of key battles from Bolshevik Russia's Invasion of Poland. A couple of recommended reads on this forgotten war:

R. Moorhouse: Battle of Warsaw – the war that saved Europe from Communism

Norman Davies: the Battle of Warsaw, one hundred years on

And, of course, after having read the articles, have a go at it *) with a Forgotten Battles scenario Repel the Bolsheviks by Mike "Warhorse" Amos, link and more information found here: 

The Forgotten Battles Mod: Index of Available Scenarios

[Image: Kawaleria_polska_bitwa_nad_Niemnem_1920.jpg]
Polish cavalry, Battle of the Niemen River, September 1920 (Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe/public domain)

*) With JTCS 2.x, just enable the Forgotten Battles Mod with JSGME tool, boot up EF, select scenario by date, and there she is!
Thank you for the links.
Thanks Crossroads for supplying a little history around this critical engagement. Big Grin

Mike's scenario is a gem. Played it a couple of times as both sides and had a lot of fun with it. 

An interesting aspect of game play is when I played it we agreed by special rule not to use indirect fire for the cannons. They were direct fire only! The reason for this is during the time of the battle, the systems were not in place for field radios, radio contact and fire control direction. 
It made for a vastly different game than what is the norm for the Campaign Series.

Good stuff all around! Wink