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Kyrie Eleison, what have I done?    Crazy   I purchased my very first ACW title: Campaign Peninsula.  

Fie on you, JTS, for having a sale! Fie on you!

Welcome to Wargamer's Anonymous!

You are surely becoming one of us!

Twilight Zone Hamster Wheel
Well I can relate to the OP.... 😁

I thought I would try my first Tiller ACW game after seeing the updated graphics by WDS and bought Campaign Ozark.

I am SO impressed with the value in the games (even more so with the games I bought subsequently during the sale).

I am really enjoying playing the historic scenarios chronologically as the Confederates and despite the limitations of the AI, being an ACW and Tiller novice I am still finding some scenarios a good challenge. What is great is I have only just reached Pea Ridge yet have all the variants as well as the full Union Campaign even before even adjusting the difficulty sliders .

Then after all that......onto Campaign Antietam sitting invitingly on my Start menu 😁

Very happy customer.