
Full Version: Recording a Team Game
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Hi guys. I wish to record the results of a team game. I note the "team game" check box. Does checking this box allow one to add the 2nd set of players & side (there were two players to a side)?

Also, the game was Ziemke's WW3. I did not note that on the MC list of games--unless it is Gotterdamerung. If it is Gotterdamerung, ok, If it is not that mod, does one simply use the "Bolt " mod to report?

Thanks for any insight.
I think I found the answer in the "rules of engagement" section.

If I have read it properly, I report a team game using one of our opponents. And my partner does the same thing with the other opponent.. Making sure the "team game" box is checked in each instance.
The answer is dependent on how many players were on each side, if there was equal numbers then reporting a team game is a simple process of each player reporting the scenario against a player of the opposite side while remembering to check the "team game" box.

If there are a different numbers of players on either side then the players who are left over once the process above has been completed then they should report against the "Blitz shadow player" remembering to check the team game" box.

I don't play the Modern campaigns series and so I am not up to date on the various Mods, I see you have created a entry in the scenario DB and I suggest that if there is no entry for this Mod you report the game result there.

Maybe someone else who plays DF85 can answer that question?