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Does anyone know of a new member by the name of Miguel Molina? Have been playing a game with him and suddenly he has disappeared. 

That sucks. By rules, you can claim a major victory against him if he goes missing for longer than 3 weeks, but you'll need to post a flare for him on the boards and then the timer begins. If three weeks pass, notify me and claim the major, or let it go. Entirely up to you.

Hopefully there's nothing wrong and the guy just didn't want to play anymore. That's the risk we take with new members.

I've heard from miguel this week
(10-29-2017, 08:11 PM)fritzfarlig Wrote: [ -> ]I've heard from miguel this week

Thnx, do you happen to know what his ladder handle is? The next time you communicate with him you may want to remind him about not just disappearing from a game.
Gil, I will give him a note that it's a bad practice to leave a game for no reason