
Full Version: Crusader 36s Campaign 19th November Alt.scn
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Michael contacted me and asked me to play the Crusader campaign from Tobruk 41. I said yes but I haven't played many pbem games in the desert before. I've spent a night looking at the opening set up and another night mapping things. 

[Image: Campaign_Map.png]

Not the best map but I'll stitch together a map using zoom 1 screenshots to give a better picture of the initial situation. 

I'm playing British and I've no idea about strategy at the moment. I won't bore everyone about the historical sitaution of November 1941. We are all history buffs so no point going over things. 

The scenario notes point out that I've been given the starting point for Operation Crusader but whether I follow it or not is up to me. I start off with 798 VP's and need 2,000 VP's for a Minor and 2,200 VP's for a Major Victory. 

I'll start game shortly.

Edit: sorry the unit descriptions are a bit too small. Use CTRL and mouse wheel to blow up the screen.
Nice to see another AAR from you, the Bulge AAR was real good.