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Hi  Raz and Cat,
The Storm of the East and Wacht Am Rhein
Status on these please?
~PL Helmet Smile
Yeah I am wondering about that, too...

Looking very much abandoned to me.
I don't have an updated. I see that Raz has not commented yet. I will ask him to.
I can provide excel sheets on everything reported so far in the forums if that helps. I already have one for The Storm of the East .
I wonder about this too, my opponent in Round 4 of "Storm from the East" Tournament never showed up, and still waiting for the next round since then, as I didn't have any other player reassigned to play that match.

A tournament cannot be abandoned by its players this way,  doesn't look serious to me, I mean, when you sign-in you're signing that you'll finish the tournament implicitly, unless there is a BIG reason that's stops you to do so, something that can be understood and aknowledged by all the players. Helmet Rolleyes

In our case, I even read someone left the tournament on round 3 because he eventually found out that didn't like the CMRT game engine !!!! Propeller Hat , and another quit in round four because he got tired of the game eventuallyl, plus those who directly vanish and do not even show up anymore without a single word ... I'm sorry, nothing personal, but for me that's having a laugh and a big disrespect to the rest of the players of the tournament along with it.

If someone does not feel that he might not manage to go all the way in a tournament he/she should not sign-in, full stop.

Obviously if a player wants to leave a tournament he will do so, but he/she should be banned from participating in such events in the future if this behavior becomes repetitive on his/her records, as nobody forced him/her to join a tournament which requires extra turn pace, attention and dedication to begin with.

I would like that this kind of quitters would be announced too, in order to avoid participating in future events they might participate too,  as I would consider those of a high risk of being abandoned half way through.

Will there be an update coming about these tournaments?

I am sure there will be eventually. Raz is running them and he has had very little time to devote to the Blitz do to real life getting in the way.
Just checking in......
I know other people have volunteered, but I can help get the Wacht Am Rhein moving if needed.
Happy to be a reserve if you need players.
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