
Full Version: Conduct on boards
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There is a specific conduct that all members of the Blitz are mandated to observe.  These are found under RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.  In particular I will point out rule 18:

18. Suspension/ Ban & Loss Of Privileges.

Ladder Commanders have the right to Suspend/Ban players from participation on their forums, ladders or both. A Suspension/Ban is usually reserved for those instances of breaching the Rules of Engagement (ROE), misconduct or obnoxious behavior by members.
A suspension/ban is for offenses that are not serious enough to warrant outright dismissal from the club. A Suspension/Ban may vary from 1 day to 6 months. Any disciplinary action that exceeds 6 months, warrants dismissal.

As part of a ban for abuse of a particular area of the club, players may find their privileges to that area withheld following the Suspension/Ban expiration.

Players may appeal any Suspensions/Ban to the Club Commander, the decision of any appeal is final and not subject to debate.

and rule 19:

19. Dismissal.

Club Officers/Ladder Commanders have the right to remove individuals from their ladders if they consider there is sufficient cause, reasons for dismissal include, but are not limited to threats to other members, cheating, spamming, abusing officers or generally obnoxious behavior.

An individual removed can appeal to the Club Commander. After consultation, the Commander will make the final determination to either uphold or overrule the dismissal. The decisions of any appeal are final and not subject to debate.

This includes continually harping on a subject that has no bearing or influence on any members except what you may think.  Continually bringing up that you want something changed because you do not like it is obnoxious behavior and will not be tolerated.  Hijacking threads to promote your personal wishes will also not be tolerated and will be considered obnoxious behavior as well.