
Full Version: Request for beta testers - Panzer Battles Kursk v1.02
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Hi All,
We’re about to commence a closed beta of the 1.02 patch for Panzer Battles Kursk – Southern Flank.
We want to limit the number of testers to 100 so that if anything unforeseen happens we’re not overrun with technical issues. That said, we have run the patch through significant testing to date and are happy to release it to you.
We have an email address [email protected] that we ask that you write to if you want to be one of the testers. We will do this first in until we hit our 100 tester target.
The 1.02 beta patch will be the first official release from WDS and we’re excited to be close to releasing it to the public.
The current 1.02 Beta Patch changelog is as follows;
Bug Fixes
-         Adjusted reporting for air attacks.
-         Corrected hex stack reporting when a wreck is in the hex
-         Corrected a crash bug when the last man/gun/vehicle is destroyed by defensive fire
-         Corrected a fog of war bug when right clicking
-         Included a check that all off board artillery is not placed on the map.
-         Any fixed unit that is fired on will now instantly un-fix
-         Units could use a bridge while in travel mode to enter an obstacle and then exit the hex, rather than lose their whole movement allowance. This has been corrected and units will now lose all their movement points if they move into an obstacle hex
-         Engineer units were in some cases isolated when in a minefield - this should no longer occur
-         Engineer units will not clear a minefield in a turn that they recover from disruption
-         Adjacent engineers no longer remove isolation for units in minefields
-         Off map artillery was not firing during the defensive fire phase - this will now occur at the same frequency as on map artillery
-         Engineers that attempt to damage a bridge or AT ditch will reveal themselves if currently concealed
-         Units can no longer combine if in mismatched travel modes
-         File mismatch due to different encryption setting during PBEM - fixed
-         Campaign auto-advance on wrong password entry - fixed
-         Newly implemented:  View > Map Elevations, View > Map Coordinates, View > Map Combat Modifiers.
-         New parameter file entry - Fatigue factor. Used for scaling fatigue accumulation. Set at 2.0 for Normandy & Kursk. Will be 3.0 for future titles to match the fatigue calculations in Panzer Campaigns. 3.0 is the more appropriate value to use, but none of the Kursk & Normandy scenarios were tested with the higher value
-         New on counter broken and disrupted markings - visible when stacked and unstacked.
-         New Getting Started documentation, including Campaign Primer and Terrain & Combat tables
-         Updated General Help guide with a revised layout and additional information.
-         Updated User guide with a revised layout and additional information. All manuals are a work in progress and will continue to be rationalised over time.
Order of Battle Changes
-         Corrected Soviet 27 76mm Gun btty (hs) causing scenario crash
Graphics Changes
-         New -small- terrain features. All files are under \Maps\Map Variants\Terrain Small. Copy all the 8 files into the map directory and overwrite the existing. To revert to the original graphics, copy the files out of \Maps\Map Variants\Terrain - Default directory back into the Map directory.
Map Changes
-         Alternate small map graphics included
User Interface Changes
-         New Shortcut keys
-         New Toolbar Icons in traditional and standard configuration. Small and Large versions also available for each.
-         File/folder reorganization, with creation of the following new folders:  Data (.oob & .pdt files), Logs (.log files), Manuals (.pdf files), Saves (.bt? files), Scenarios (.scn, .map files etc.), Screens (various game .bmp files).
-         New logging system (with various .log files in the new Logs folder), to assist in game testing, and identifying and fixing bugs.

Some reminders of the UI changes;

[Image: PB%20Graphics%20471.png]

[Image: PB%20Graphics%20472.png]

[Image: PB%20Graphics%20473.png]

[Image: PB%20Graphics%20474.png]