
Full Version: *** Scenario of the Month: July 2015 - Pairings
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Below are the pairings for the Scenario of the Month: July 2015

A quick remainder about the workflow:

The allied player is the one who will start the setup and send the first turn to his axis opponent.
The games are to be played using 'Iron' as skill level,unless otherwise agreed.
The game will count as an on-ladder game and will be reported just like a regular game unless you otherwise agree with your opponent.

Please don't forget when your game as started to post here,so we can keep track on the games which are in-progress.

CMBN: Char and Char Alike

Allies - Axis
ChappyCanuck - Fusilier9 [FINISHED] *
alwaysfish - richardg [Abandoned]
Guardsman - thephlapbadhu [FINISHED] *
zinzan1963 - Panzer Lehr [FINISHED] *
Lond0ner - DellieJonut [FINISHED] *

CMFI: DiSaronno

Allies - Axis
Lond0ner - Mad Mike  [FINISHED] *
a1steaks - ChappyCanuck  [FINISHED] *
Winterfox - jhmorneau  [FINISHED] *
Guardsman - Lt. Smash  [FINISHED] *
Panzer Lehr - richardg  [FINISHED] *

You can contact your opponent by going to his profile and either sending him a private message or emailing him using the site's interface ..(see the below picture)

[Image: profile.jpg]

Good luck to all of you.

After a few hiccups with my outdated H2H, Lond0ner and I are underway.
My game vs. Lond0ner has also started.
After lots of indecision by me, this game has got underway; either gonna hate myself or small pat on back??!!

CMBN: Char and Char Alike
zinzan1963 - Panzer Lehr
Delliejonut and I finished.

Major vic.
US Ab - 1000.
German Heer - 323.

A most interesting and unusual tussle - honestly can't remember if I've ever played a game where an opponent has surrendered at the literal gates of an undefended primary objective! Well played Dellie.
PS Raz/Ian - you can't select the June or July month in the competition box when you submit a game result.
DiSaronno game vs. Lond0ner finsihed, with a DRAW (felt more like a Minor Victory to me Helmet Wink ).

Well played Lond0ner.
Ahahah did think it would be, you too!! Big Grin
DiSaronno game vs. richardg is done ... a Total Victory for the Allies ... felt more like a draw with the heavy causalities I sustained ... lost all but two Shermans ... In the end the Allies tenuously occupied all objectives. This was a very fun and challenging scenario and against an opponent whom I thought put up an outstanding defense ... Thanks richardg
Game finished - Major Victory to me. Helmet Smile

CMBN: Char and Char Alike
zinzan1963 - Panzer Lehr

Good Game - though I feel for Panzer Lehr in this scenario as It looks VERY difficult to win as attacker - US AB are ideal troops to defend on this map (esp. with engineers) as the map is ideal for defence - many places to ambush and excellent cover and sight lines.