
Full Version: 1st Indochinese War, Winter War & WWI
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I am interested in finding an opponent / opponents for a linked scenario campaign in Indochina '50 - '54 to play as Viet Minh ( there are seven small scenarios of length from about 20 up to 60 turns ), a Finnish opponent for Winter War '39 - '40 to play "Purgatory 1939" and perhaps someone to play Central Powers in, let's say - Serbia - Galicia 1914 for the very beginning. I am using version 3.4 with 3XBb temporary fix, advanced options all on but for high supply and my current turn rate is three up to four days on average to get back with a turn if procrastination doesn't take over which it does on occasions together with some real life issues. Further house rules to be agreed upon if necessary to promote realism of the simulation.