
Full Version: Playtesters Needed
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My confidence in being able to build a balanced scenario has taken a bit of a pounding lately. I have the final scenario for the Grenada Tournament and I would like to have a couple of people take a look at it before I release it. If you are interested and not participating in the Grenada Tournament, send me an email at jefferyconner at suddenlink dot net and I will email you the files. It would be nice if a couple of you would try it PBEM as it is not scripted for play against the AI, but any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

Sign me up, Jeff - always willing to help you!
Happy to help as well if needed.
I enjoy your scenarios and would be happy to give it a spin too. I can PBEM it against myself to try to get both sides' perspectives.
I took the scenario for a spin, playing a PBEM against myself. I thought it was excellent and should make for a very exciting finish to the tournament.
Brett and I are almost completed. I second the bunny! An excellent composition and should give the players some good options and flexibility.
I agree that it is well suited for tourney play. The number of troops, vehicles and terrain give each side several options to utilize making it well balanced and making victory mostly dependent on the decisions of the player.
Good job guys, thanks again. I did make the one change that was suggested and added an illumination allowance so that the US can fire smoke (WP) rounds. Otherwise, I'll run with it.
