
Full Version: CMRT and H2HH 2.11.3
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Just want to know how i can implement CMRT Games into my H2HH. Right now im having Problems get it to work. Anyone can help me with it?
You need to add a new install for CMRT game.
The difference compared to CMBN is that at least in my PC
Installation Root Directory is somewhere under my_documents,
like .... my_documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder

In CMBN the root directory and installation executable were under same installation folder.

I don't know if there are any other tricks compared to CMBN.
What kind of problems do you see in your computer?
I have the CM Helper now. But it dont find the Installations of my Gustav Linie.

Also i have Problems if i setup Game and choose the First File its always marked as the First Incoming File and says its my Turn. How can i stop that?