
Full Version: Need some new games.2.10 only
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Any size qb or scenario for MG 2.10.Any side is fine.Holland region for qb is preferred or new MG scenarios?
I'm a n00b, and you're likely not going to find much of a challenge on the field, BUT I'll bet I'm one hell of a hard case to get me going with Dropbox and H2HH. (I'm a veteran PBEM player from waaay back, and all this new methodology may throw me off for awhile, until I get my routine down. PATIENCE may be of greater value to you than tactical brilliance.)

If you don't mind helping a guy find the proper way to swap the files and get it all running right, and taking away a better Win/Loss record as the reward, then let's do this: send me a file and some easy-to-follow instructions, and I'll return it to you, along with a scenario or QB of my choosing, and we will play 'em both concurrently. Cool?