
Full Version: the phantom Point du hoc battery (N '44)
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I read the book and saw the movie, The Longest Day. When the rangers capture the bunker, it is empty.

Other sources agree as well: there is no battery there, yet there is one in the game.

I don't have N44 to check the Pointe du Hoc hex, but the guns were still in the vicinity, so maybe the designers decided to leave the battery in that hex??

"Prior to the attack, the guns were moved approximately 1 mile away, where they were sighted to fire on "Utah" beach. However, the concrete fortifications were intact, and would still present a major threat to the landings if they were occupied by artillery forward observers. The Ranger Battalion commanders and executive officers knew the guns had moved, but the rest of the Rangers were not informed prior to the attack."
Yup.. 6 guns and 2 aa guns in the game.