
Full Version: Situation with the PLA in the Korean War Mod
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Hey all,

It's been quite awhile since anything has been going on with the Korean War Mod advancement, and it is my fault, the PLA were very screwed up, and needed a major revision. Hawk Kriegsman and myself have spent the last few months testing, and re-testing now three versions of the buggers. This has been a major headache for Rod Coles, David Galster and quite a few others who were working on scenario's for this mod, and I thank you for your patience! I believe there is finally a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel for this effort, the latest version seem to be working out quite well, and we are both generally pleased with the latest results.

I hope soon to be able to release this version, then active testing on the scenarios will be able to continue. Just wanted to let everyone know why it has been so quiet with the Korean War, I ain't giving up on it!!