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To all my opponents (some of whom I have not yet contacted personally),

I will be away from Monday till Friday. I will try and get to all my turns in the next weekend. After that I will be moving house on the 11th of April and will try and get back online as soon as possible after the 13th. Have a good week all.

Safe journey and have a smooth move, my friend! Thumbs Up
We'll pick up after you get settled? Pirate Duel2


I've moved a couple of times due to jobs, its not easy to pickup your house and move it a few hundred miles in my case.

Have a safe and easy move Ash and hope it is uneventful

Ivan the Big:smoke2:
Thanks Guys,

We have moved house about 18 times in 20 years so we are pretty good at it by now. We have streamlined our belongings to only the super-sentimental or practical. Digitized most photos, music, movies and books and raised the kids with a thriving spirit of adventure - so it should be ok.

I appreciate the messages of support. I hope to be back online as soon as possible.

Warmest regards,
Wow, 18 times in 20 years! I guess you have learned just to keep your bags packed at all times!

Good Luck with the move.
Moving's the pits. We moved so much when I was a kid we never had a house we owned. Always rented. I can always tell how old I was in a memory by the house we were in at the time.

18 in 20, though. That tops all.

Good luck with the move and new place, Ash.


I thought I moved a lot with seven in thirteen years. Best of luck!

Hope you have a nice move Ashley-
I am glad i don't have to move i think my wife might be a Good luck on the move Ashley
We moved on Wednesday night after a series of disasters and now have half of our furniture and am hoping to get the other half in a week (praying more like).

We were ready to move and super organised on Wednesday morning - waiting for our mover who was supposed to arrive at 2 in the afternoon, he arrived at 7 that evening and promptly ran out of fuel. After a frantic run around a town that completly closes at 5 we managed to get 10L and at 8 I left with the kids and wife in the old car with all our belongings standing outside. Anyway, drove through the night (saw 3 huge kudu - African antelope, very large - 1 in the road, scary) and arrived at the new place at 4 in the morning only to promptly set off the alarm - so we ended up trying to sleep in the car until 8 when the rental agent could let us in...

The adventure continues...

I am online but with a cellphone modem until my telephone line gets installed (could take 21 working days) - so I am going to be super conservative with bandwidth and won't be online the whole time but will be connecting as needed to check email and send.

Thanks to all for the messages of support.

Look forward to getting back onto the field of battle.
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