
Full Version: New file for Korean War Mod
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Hi everyone,

Another file for the Korean War is posted in the KW Mod section up top. This rescales forest to 10 meters instead of 25, more appropriate for korea, as their forests just aren't that tall due to centuries of over-harvesting for fuel. Also fixed the Brush terrain type, much more appealing, I think anyway! This is a mandatory file for everyone owning the KW mod, to make it consistent across the board. The file is called

Get it here

Since this effects LOS etc, won't all the scenarios have to be redone?
Not sure why it would? If you are at ground level, it still will block the next hex, only difference is if you are in woods at a higher level, you can see through, or over, the woods hex, if it is higher. This is how the mod should have been to begin with, just another item I never thought of till yesterday, while making a map! The trees, what few there were, aren't nearly as tall as around here. The ones I saw while I was there were lucky to be 25-30 feet tall, most were like 20 feet or so!!

Ok just thought it might effect some of the scenarios.
No problem, is always good to ask!!

Another file for the KWM. Some icon fixes, get it here. Thanks!
I just updated both the, and Icon, up in the KW downloads section. Darkened up the green brush, so it looks better, and fixed some anti-aliasing issues with the M46 in the other file.

Thanks Mike. Could you move the last two files to the first post in the mod section?
I can't, seems you can only attach 5 files per page?! Sorry I don't have my own delivery method....
