
Full Version: Korean War Ladder
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Can we have one? Within the Campaign Series ofcourse.

Well you cannot have a ladder within a ladder so to speak, but we can certainly support the Korea Mod as a "new title" within the CS area so the scenarios can be reported to the CS ladder. ;)
Great. I volunteer to add the existing scenarios once it is available.

Gents: :smoke:

Yes! The Korean Mod has been under discussion with Blitz officers... and there has been over whelming support for it! cheers

We are working to have an appropriate section "carved out" in the H2H Testing section... so developers can take the mod scenarios through the H2H process.

I've also requested that the available testing slots (currently 10) be increased to the 15 - 20 slot range... to accommodate the additional Korean mod scenarios.
Good stuff all!!! I was hoping folks would enjoy this!

I noticed, it is there. Thanks guys.
Hey all,

It is my pleasure to announce the with the cooperation of the moderators, Huib Versloot, David Galster, and many others the Blitz now has a Korean War Ladder, for those who are interested!! The scenarios are included in my mod, which many of you have downloaded. There are also going to be future additions to these posted in the scenario section under the new Korean War Mod section. I just posted up in the Campaign Series Hosted Mods section the updated 1.04 files for this mod. Please check it out, feel free to send me comments, etc. Also, for those who maybe are not aware of it. In the game, the Chinese may use Human Wave Assault ala the Banzai routine used in Rising Sun!!! Check it out!!

Gents: Smoke7

Space has been "carved out" in the H2H Test section for Korean War Mod scenarios!

I encourage all Korean Mod scenario developers to take their creations through the H2H process.

You may access the H2H Section and upload a scenario for testing HERE.

Many thanks to Warhorse (Mike) for his Mod and making it available for other players to enjoy! cheers

[Image: 316e125726KW-Graphic.gif]
Great job, Mike!

Thanks fellahs!!

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