
Full Version: Tip: Finishing your v1.00 games
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Since pbem games played with v 1.00 are not compatible with the new 1.01 version here is a quick and easy way to continue playing those games while-at the same time-having the new patch installed.
1. Locate the installation folder .Probably something like "c:\Users\Your Name\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy"
2. Copy the Combat Mission Battle for Normandy in a different location.Optionally rename it to 'Combat Mission Battle for Normandy 1.00'
3. Apply the patch on the installation folder
4.Play the older pbem games using the 'Combat Mission Battle for Normandy 1.00' folder,the original folder for the newer ones-started after the game was patched.
5.Have fun

Thanks for the tip, raz_atoth, will do.

It is sufficient to rename only the CM Normandy.exe to "CM Normandy 100.exe".

It's also been said that you can migrate saved games from 1.00 to 1.01 by saving the file under v1.00 during the order phase and than load it in v1.01 before finishing the turn.
Did as Scipo suggests, loaded and finished turn in battle. Looks OK.