
Full Version: How do you exchange big files?
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It's called a pbem game and not without reason. However the file sizes tend to be quite big if you aren't playing on just tiny/small maps.I have a game going where only the setup file was worth about 14MB.I imagine once the real action starts the size of the pbem file will dramatically increase.Thus,it won't be feasible anymore to sent it through mail.Not to mention most email servers place limitations on the size of the attachment.
What are you guys using?Are there better options for file transfers other than mail?
I like using Dropbox. It gives you a total of 2 gigs to use and you can create separate folders for each PBEM. Alternatively you can use sendthisfile.
Thanks.I'll give both dropbox and sendthisfile a try to see which one works better.
I use Send This File for my PBEM games with CMSF and now CMBN. Most of the gamers I know having played CMSF are using this utility. It works superbly.

Send This File

Now be aware that most people, including myself use the free program for our gaming needs so don't get your underwear in a bundle when you go to the site and see "purchase."
I like to use dropbox.
I use Dropbox to transfer files.

That being said, I purchased a very inexpensive turn based game for my Android phone called Uniwar. Multi-player features I like about it are:

- Their game server does all the file handling when I press the 'done' button, and notifies me when it's my turn again.
- At the beginning of the game, you can specify a time limit on how long you can both take. You lose a turn if you take too long.
- There's a listing of available matches you can join (and you can sort by different fields), or you can start your own and it goes into that listing.
- There's an in-game ladder.
- There's in game chat capability.

In conclusion, I'm hoping that Battlefront spends some time on the PBEM multiplayer aspects of the game. It's really archaic.

Then, there's the realtime multi-player, which also needs a LOT of work in my opinion.