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I am looking for an opponent - if this game is able to be fought on this ladder....

Did you ever play a title of the HPS Naval Campaigns online in multiplayer mode ?

You´ll need Hamachi.

I´ll post a MP challenge later this year.

Won´t be a problem to register the game, but it needs more participants.

Cheers, Klaus
Thanks Jolly.

I will practice and I will look into how to use Hamachi.
Hi Klaus; the game was fun for a while but the submarines were too tough to handle: My DDs couldn't track them down and they sank everything is sight. The scenarios I did like were the ones where there weren't any subs like those carrier battles in the Guadalcanal Campaign. But I haven't seen any updates and it doesn't seem like there is anyone out there who's keen to. Jonny :(

Just make sure to install Hamachi ( free of charge for non commercial users ) and keep an eye on this ladder, I´ll announce an online battle later this month.

Cheers, Klaus