
Full Version: TCP/IP Players Needed
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Anyone interested in TCP/IP game play contact me and we will work out the details.

Cheers, cheers Pointman.

You know you can count me in Pointman! Looking forward to the multi-command features.
If Dave's brother gets on board we will have 4 to try out command system.
This is going to be fun to say the least I can't wait to try this out.Anybody else interested?The game supports 16 players.
Love playing online. PLS send me details on when you plan to do this.
Hi Cole.Thanks for signing up.It looks like maybe Saturday. I'm waiting to hear back from Dave.I will keep in touch.

I'm up for a quick connectivity test beforehand. In my experience there are always connection problems and best to try and trouble shoot before the game
Saturday might be out, but don't wait for me. Friday, maybe(?) or Sunday?

Hi Scud.We need even number on each side.We have Pointman,RKFM,Cole and Scud.Friday or Sunday is good also.
Waiting to hear from RKFM on Sunday or Friday availability.
Cole we could try connecting tonight if your around.I've got my skype and icq on if you want to contact me.
Ok everyone has checked in.I'm thinking 4:00 or 5:00 PST Friday.
If not good for everyone, same time on Sunday.
Everyone let me know if this time slot works for you.
Also we need to discuss host computer and teams.
I have an old P3 so I would be the last choice for host.
Everyone should have skype so we can have an audio com link while we setup and play.
It's free and installs in a few minutes if you don't have software already.
If not ICQ will suffice.
We will try a level 3 or 4 scenario to keep the game time to about 3 hours (hopfully) :)
Let me know if I've missed anything.
I tried out some of the multi-command stuff on my machine today (ran 4 simultaneous WF games connected). The interface is a bit clumsy (what looks like a check box, isn't), but seems pretty straight forward. A couple of notes:

Once the scenario is decided on, it would be a good idea for the team members to figure out how they are going to divide the forces before we all connect.

One thing I didn't think about was there is no visual way to tell which units are yours (another reason to go over the OOB early). It would seem to be obvious to split commands among the highest command levels so you can use the command highlight feature.

Since I have to alt-tab to the different 'players' in my test I couldn't see the effects of team mates moving at the same time. That should be interesting.

One last thing, maybe we should set the turn-timer just to avoid long discussions between team members and moves.
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