
Full Version: New Forum feature!
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Since the launch of the latest version of the MYBB forum software members uploading images that are wider than 775 pixels have found that the image "stretches" the post and any accompanying text was lost off the edge of the screen, this was obviously annoying.

However our Webmaster has uploaded a fix for this problem that now automatically resizes the images so they cannot stretch the post, any image that is too wide now appears with a yellow bar across the top to inform you that it has been resized as shown below....
[Image: cc1ef80271New%20Tool.JPG]

With the new feature you have three choices of how to view the image..
a) As it is shown,
b) Click the yellow bar and the full image will appear as it would have done before the fix (note that you will find any text will again disappear off the edge of the post),
c) Click the image itself and a new window will open with the image slightly enlarged.

I trust this fix will prevent a lot of frustration especially when posting a DAR/AAR. ;)
YAY! Thank goodness for that change! And, no, I am not being sarcastic, it was annoying when the post / reply buttons got sent off the screen.
I agree, this was very, very annoying and made all the previous AAR's unreadable. :(