
Full Version: France 1940 B8d
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Glad u'r liking it, i'll post more turn in the next days as i finish to collect& edit more shot

I'm using SNAGIT 10 really easy to use (not freeware ) and with lot of options
Turn 9

AGN; The road on the coast is free and two corps are going full speed towards Dieppe. In the meanwhile the remanant of 3 BEF COrps are under the last assault and wil soon surrender , Arras and St. QUentin will be in german hand soon and soon also Amiens and it's river crossing wil be under assault by forward elements of VIII Corps
[Image: 59fb5e7d2d9c.jpg]

AGC The way to Paris will be soon clear, some motorized elements are scouting the city ,but the order is to wait untile the last French troops in the pocket surrender, southwest of Paris the pich movemnt of he XIX Pz is halted by a french stronghold near Sens
in the south the way to the heart of france is open, no defensive line in sight and XII Corps is free to capture key VP location without fighting
[Image: e58bb035c99b.jpg]

AGS has started offensive operation against Metz and Nancy, strong French Forces are spotted in the area so the attack is going slowly and costing a high toll
[Image: c32a48e7a59a.jpg]
Turn 10


While part of the AGN fights on the northen coast line, cleaning up the last bef anfd French defenders, rest of the group is aiming to close the northen pinch of the circle around Paris

AGC The assault on Paris has begun the first element of the grossdeutscheland and XIX Pz Corps are involved in fight all around the periferal area of the city , where the last remanant of the BEF and some troops of various French corps are trying to stop the invaders
[Image: 83d8d48d6810a.jpg]

AGS is split in two, the eastern part is involved in major fight against the maginot difenders trying to secure metz and Nancy, French troops are putting up a thought defence and advance, without armored support is really slow; on the other end some elements of two infantry corps are exploiting the huge gap in the middle of france to secure all rear key areas

[Image: da38cf5d3f10%20full.jpg]
Turn 11

AGN has cleaned the coastal aresa and is now running west, the armored units after days of heavy fight are taking a rest to reorganize and resupply

The ring around Paris is almost complete and the final assault will begin shortly
[Image: fc6729b3b111a.jpg]

In the est each inch of ground is payed a heavy tool in blood but advances continues and some reinforcment are on the way from the central part of the front
[Image: 8582b0b1d911b.jpg]

Whole situation show a desperate situation for French, only some defenders are left in Paris and german troops are storming in the rear areas

[Image: 7dbfaafe7a11full.jpg]
Turn 12 & 13

AGN is assaulting Rouen and preparing to invade Normandy
AGC is making the final attack on Paris
[Image: eb908e9f3812%20A.jpg]

AGS is keeping it's advance and, with the help of the first reinforcement is starting to break tought the defenders line, Metz is taken and the next target is Nancy

[Image: 16fa5fea3d12b.jpg]

Turn 12 end turn whole situation

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Turn 13 and Anthoni surrended

[Image: fe95ff1ff4end%20game.jpg]

It has been really a nice game after 3 years of inactivity, the new improvment with the last patches are Amazing

I'd like to thanks Anthoni for giving me the opportunity of getting back in action and for beeing such a dedicated and fast player

Cheers and hope You All enjoyed the AAR (despite my poor english)

Very nice.

What program do you use to make these boxes, circles and arrows in your AAR?
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