
Full Version: Hawk's Tactical Tip
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I am sure that most of you know that when using extreme assault vehicles have their assault factor and defense factor halved when in city, village, suburb, etc hexes.

But did you realize just how vulnerable armored units are in these hexes?

High assault factor / low hard attack units (SMG, Russian Motorcycle, Non-American, British, Japanese, German engineers) can actually wreak havoc on vehicles by assaulting them. The best part is that the armored units do not need to be disrupted. Think about it for a moment, a German MKIV F2 has a defense of 6 and it is havled to 3 in the above mentioned hexes. A Russian motorcycle unit has a assault of 9. That is 3 to 1 Eek my friends! You are most likely are going to get a disruption or a 1 SP loss. That leaves the armored unit even more vulnerable if you have another assaulting unit in range.

Armored cars and light tanks fare even worse.

And if you opponent has multiple armored units in the hex?

Assaulting him with a like number of SPs and all will be good for you.

So the next time your opponent rolls up to your high assault / low hard attack units in urban terrain all smug in the knowledge you can't harm him, surprise him with an assault. He will have burning armor and you will be laughing at his return e-mail.

Again let me stress you need units with an assault factor of 6+ to make it really work. Although you can use 4 and 5's if you have double the number of SPs.

Try'll like it.


Excellent advice!

Jason Petho
And as it should be :-)
Good tip, Eric. I'll try to remember that in our Rising Sun campaign (when we further into the war and you actually get some tanks, that is).
