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I started a blog.

Hope it goes well.

Hey Al -- I'm your first "follower". ! I think it's a great idea! I think you ought to live-blog a game as an alternative to an AAR. AW needs good tutorials and examples and you're the guy to provide them!


Thanks Tim, at least I'm not out there alone. ;-)

I figured blogging would make it easier to provide additional information about the games, etc.

I hope we're right.
I'm in!
New post up. About every other day I'm trying to post new information. I'd recommend marking that you're following the blog so you don't miss anything.

... and its nice to know other people are interested and reading. :-)
I've posted a list (with descriptions) of the battles included in Greek Wars.
Also on the blog is a list of all the engine improvements made to the series.

Paul is very good at adding new features, improving gameplay, and fixing bugs
with the engine with each new title released. All the previous titles will be
patched to the latest version of the engine in the not too distant future, well
that's the normal pattern at least.

Here is a link to my blog:
Recommend y'all follow the blog this summer. (Thanks to those that already are!) I'll be posting tidbits, facts and informative information (as opposed to useless information. hehehe...), AND new scenarios, maps and bunch of other stuff.

You'll want to be in the know, so please follow! ;-)

Nice Blog Al. Maybe I should add the link to the sticky post at the top of the forum in the "What every member needs to know" thread.

Dog Soldier
New screenshots posted.
More screenshots. These from Gallic Wars.

I'm trying to post new material each week day, so y'all may just want to 'follow' it to see the latest.

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