
Full Version: Scenario Design Center
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Hi guys:

I want to take a second to reintroduce the site; this is in fact the same site that was ably run for so many years by Rich Hamilton. I suppose I ought to add the url somewhere as a point of reference.

Now I fully understand that I am an unknown quantity, for the most part, here at the Blitz. A few of the guys know me from elsewhere, and I do do my PBEM gaming elsewhere at the moment (mostly that is all circumstantial). I am an inactive on the HPS Operational Campaigns ladder.

At any rate despite all that, I take my role on Scenario Design Center seriously. And I know that the Blitz is a quality gaming club, and as such I want to offer Scenario Design Center's services to the club.

I am getting together a club page, which is over and above Rich's original Opponent Finder page:

I know that this site is currently listed in many places on that page, but I want to offer the club the opportunity to write up a sales pitch for posting on the site.

At this point I haven't actually been around to every club site that I am even remotely involved with (technically this is the first formal posting on this subject); but I will be and I am wanting to help you guys out by allowing you in your own words, to sell future users on your club (or I suppose even ladder- since it might match with Rich's original structure on this page). If interested in that, please get in touch with me either via pm or email on the page here.

Now on another note, I know that one of the most popular things guys like to do is speculate on when new HPS stuff is coming out. Well I can't really do that anymore as I am a little too close to the subject at times; but that isn't really that important... what *is* important, is that Scenario Design Center is on the press release list for HPS, *and* I am in Australia- the significance being that HPS releases its new titles on the first Friday of a month, and that when a release is scheduled- you are going to find info on it posted on Scenario Design Center first (barring an ISP glitch on my end -and it can happen :/ ...).

I don't mean this to be remedial geography or anything, but what with the timezones and all, (and assuming I try to get things uploaded by 00:01 my time ... that translates into 8 AM *Thursday* on the East coast of the US ... or 1 PM *Thursday* for most of western Europe and an hour earlier for the UK.

I fully understand that the site is always evolving. I am working on another home page of a similar format but with a little more info. And the site is always looking to add material.

With all that being said, I look forward to continuing on the great relationship that Rich has had with the club with regards to SDC.

~Steve Trauth