
Full Version: H2H Scenario Testing
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PBEM is what we do?
New, balanced and fun to play, scenarios are what will help keep the game fresh and interesting. I believe that new graphics, units, and OOB's are all well and good but, different balanced scenarios to play will go far in keeping at the top of the heap. :)

Besides just playing the games players should consider testing new scenarios. There are plenty of scenarios in the H2H testing area.
Some seem to have stalled for lack of members to play them. We need players to sign up and help to push these through to the approved scenarios area. :smoke:

Personally I'd like to see my **Grossman's Holiday & **Pferd und Schmetterling be tested by a larger pool of players. Tester feedback is the key to making a good scenario more balanced and fun to play.
If anyone is interested, please go to the H2H area and sign up to test these, and the other member, scenarios.


Hi Ed,
Ill play test one!...If I can find another tester?


I'm available for a test if you haven't found another tester... Grossman's Holiday?


Hi Jim,
Sounds good Do you want to go first?

Thanks guys! :thumbs_up:


:bow:Thats the way Ed promote promote.Good point though want new scenarios playtest those that are there to get the balance right.

I'm available for a test (btw this is my first time)
You know that I'll test any scenario for you or anybody else. I'm now testing 3 other scenarios for people.
Bonnok, Pick a side and lets get started.


You KNOW I would be knee deep helping you if I wasn't neck deep trying to keep my own H2H scenarios going. Your comments are well taken, and I think we can all agree it takes work to improve the product.

If I can help with any overviews...snapshots...independent reviews...let me know.

Now I have to get back to killing Von Luck's boys in Normandy...

