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When setting up a new scenario you are given the options to set up two player games and chosing the sides as well as clicking the fog of war box. There is a slider there, assumedly to give an advantage to either the Axis or Allied player. I also assume that moving the slider to one end or the other will give that player a 100% advantage, but I cant find in the rules just what that means? After trying it for the first time the other day (after I dont how many......7?....years of playing this series), I dont know what it all affects. There is no increase in manpower or vehicle numbers. Does it affect fire effectiveness? What about disrupting and rallying? How about digging in? I am playing the Yelnya scenario and the Russians seem to have no chance (well, very little) at winning even a small victory. I thought to give the Russians an advantage, but not real sure what it does. Anyone out there that can shed some light on this issue?
I just tried these myself to try and help the AI.
From what I can tell it seems the side with the advantage fires and assaults better and the side disadvantaged does both worse.
Yes the 'slider' is a bit of a grey area, i have never used it and almost forget it exists!! Big Grin

It does state in the help file.......


A change in the outcome of internal calculations used by the main program so as to give one side in a battle a generally more favorable result over the other side. Typically used to balance battles against the computer."
When I use to play the AI I would usually give it a 20% advantage for longer scenarios. Just to try and stiffen it up a bit.

But no matter what advantage you give it the AI can never equal a human player for scenarios greater than 40 turns
Is it possible to check where the slider has been positioned in an ongoing game?

Just to check so my opponent hasnt slided it in his favor when sending me the first file.
Not easily but it can be done. Easiest way would be if the losses your fire cause are lower than what could possibly happen, but that would require quite a few results before one at the normal lower limit occurred. Not worth worrying about I think, if someone does that there are a dozen other things they could do also, even harder to verify.

PSK Wrote:Is it possible to check where the slider has been positioned in an ongoing game?

Just to check so my opponent hasnt slided it in his favor when sending me the first file.

Rather than worrying that your opponent is trying to trick you, maybe you should start from position that your opponent is trustworthy and if you are really worried your opponent is not trustworthy don't play them.....;)
When I first started computer gaming, Talonsoft Napoleonics, I played against someone who was then a rather noted scenario designer. He never lost a melee. Once he charged big dug in Russian batteries in redoubts with light cavalry uphill and got 'em all. And he gloated. Halfway through Borodino, I began to suspect something was wrong. And there was; as when I tried the same assaults they didn't work. He just replayed the melees until a favorable result came up. Luckily there aren't too many people out there like this. If you suspect something is wrong, stop playing and move on. Jonny