
Full Version: Mud Movment: Realistic or Not?
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Based on my initial experiences in some of the mud campaigns in Moscow 41 I am surprised that wheeled/tracked vehicles can move quite far off road during these conditions. I have several books about Operation Typhoon, and there are many accounts of German infantry actually catching up or even surpassing the panzers. Even the roads were extremely difficult to move along, as in the case of the 2nd Panzer Army that was forced to use corduroy tree trunks along the road for miles. What do others think on this issue? I am curious to know the design ideas in regards to mud for PzC.
Try the alt scenarios, I believe those are a little more accurate in this respect.

Unfortunately Moscow 41 hasn't had the treatment yet. :)
Sgt. Fury, do you know where exactly VM changes the mud values? I checked the Parameter Data file and the movement cost is still the same.
Mud values are modifiers on top of base movement values. What is different (in the _Alt) is the wheeled vs. track movement costs prior to the mud modifier. You can raise the mud modifier if you want, but it isn't going to matter much if the underlying track / wheel speeds are not greatly different to begin with.
VM changes the values of each type of hex for each movement category in the pdt file. The VM-alt versions have their own pdt files for this.

Dog Soldier