
Full Version: Flare for MikeKiller16
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Has anyone heard from Mikekiller16 lately. I got an e-mail on the June 9 saying he was going out of town to June 15. I have not heard anything since.


He's actually in the process of moving to Sydney, Australia. So he'll away for a couple months at least. He said to report your games. He's a good sort, so I'm keeping our files until he gets established "down" there.
keif149 Wrote:He's actually in the process of moving to Sydney, Australia. So he'll away for a couple months at least. He said to report your games. He's a good sort, so I'm keeping our files until he gets established "down" there.

Ugh, I wish he'd have given me a heads-up on this for the AIW Tourney. Now I'm not exactly sure how to proceed when Round Two rolls around.