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I'm from the UK , Birmingham.

We(my buddy and I )run a self-supporting business.

We do package delivery.

This week is my week.

I just drove all day 12 hours long ,delivering packages in Birgmingham and surrounding country-side.

I'm dead:)
But it pays well:)

However saturday I have my last day till the afternoon, then full gaming and next week my buddy drives , thus , I'm free.

Those who ask , when the reply to your files will happen ;
Starting Saturday ,all next week.

So one week I restrain myself to my moderator job and answering post and e-mails , the other I will go full out.

Hope you better know me now.

And as someone said in his speech ,during the Battle of Britain
"When die Englander fragen , wo bleibt er denn, dan sage Ich : ER KOMMT,ER KOMMT"

For those interested :He never came , our Fighter Command , and switching his strategy ,made him "miss the bus":)

Ok ,Guys,
I'm dead
See you saturday

Cheers for the info
I work for the Civil Service (allegedly !)