
Full Version: Err is this a bug?
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I'm just play testing a scenario and i have a question about movement through types of terrain.

In this scenario i am attacking a coastal town that has a large section protected by high fortified walls, now i thought that terrain type was impassable but as you can see from my screen shot i managed to move two non-engineer infantry units through this obstruction. Strangly though the rest could not move through and as you can see had to walk the long way round.

[Image: cspic.jpg]

I have looked in my digital manual at terrain types and it says....

5.25.36 High (Fortified) Wall
This represents a very thick wall (usually poured concrete). High Wall
hexsides cannot be crossed by any unit unless that High Wall hexside
has been breached by Engineers.

Has something changed with 1.04 thats not mentioned in the manual....some sort of limited movement allowance over a high wall maybe?

Yours most confused. :conf:
A road goes through the wall from hex 9,11 to 8,11. This ensures that units can traverse this hexside. You can see that in 2d mode.
So not a bug.
The units that you moved around probably did not have enough action points to overcome the elevation. I don't think 8,11 was full from the looks of the printscreen.
This is most confusing indeed. Perhaps there should be a "gate in a high wall" terrain type which is used when a road, track or path goes through a high wall.

BTW, IIRC there is another "hidden" gate to the south-west of the castle...

That looks like an Albanian/Italian scenario. Is it in the scenario database?
All the units started in the same hex with full movement points, so why is it that only two units could move through the wall along the road and the rest had to move around the wall?

This is a H2H scenario called Big Bully.

It is in the H2H scenario testing area.

The reason for the inability for more than two units to use the "gate" is the stacking limit exceeding 12 and thus negating the road movement.

Ahh cool.....thx for the explanation.
