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Opened up a turn and at the replay screen I got a "parent unit invalid" and then the game crashed to desktop. When I reopened everything was fine although it did send an error message to my opponent.

Ideas why?
Which battle were you fighting ?

Any ideas why it happened ?
Playing Sinai 67 against Fernando; and no I am at a loss. The only odd thing may have been I went to click on the check mark for end replay but instead clicked just on a blank area. I would hope the engine isn't that fragile.
Sinai 67

It could be a problem with the scenario design Chris.

Have you contacted the author ?
Nah, too much trouble and I am too lazy.
You sound like a man after my own heart !
The mystery has been solved: during the replay DO NOT try to zoom in with the mouse wheel, as soon as you do the game will pop up with the invalid HQ error and crash to desktop.