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The removal of the need to feed a disk into the machine in order to play CS was one of the great convenience advances of modern technology. Looking at the toolbar thingy on the bottom of the game screen, it seems to me possible to add some more convenience. There appears to be the physical space to add some buttons. I have two possibilities to suggest, and am sure there are others.

1. There are already buttons to observe firing, movement and visibility ranges. There is a button that highlights HQs....where they are. I suggest this would be more useful if it highlighted command range. I think most of us generally know where our HQs are, but a quick click to know their influence range would be very useful.

2. It takes a few clicks to turn a tank. The scenario editor has two buttons...why not add these to the game screen.

I am sure there are other possibilities, if this idea is technically feasible
I think if you highlight the HQ unit and then click the H button it will give you the command range (at 50%) for part two that is one step above my pay grade......... :-)
4 and 6 on the number keypad will turn units.

Jason Petho
While you are waiting for the next version...

K K Rossokolski Wrote:1. There are already buttons to observe firing, movement and visibility ranges. There is a button that highlights HQs....where they are. I suggest this would be more useful if it highlighted command range. I think most of us generally know where our HQs are, but a quick click to know their influence range would be very useful.
Select the HQ in question and hit the W key.

K K Rossokolski Wrote:2. It takes a few clicks to turn a tank. The scenario editor has two buttons...why not add these to the game screen.
With NumLock ON you can use the 4 and 6 keys on your number pad area of the keyboard to change the facing of a unit. With NumLock OFF, use the 3 key on the number pad.

Hope this helps.

Being an old bloke, I can never remember all the Control this, Alt that, NumLk whatever...I reckon some more buttons would be better. At present, seems like wasted space on the Menu bar.
Since the game was designed in the 640x480 days, there probably wasn't room for more buttons back then. I play at 1024x768 and probably have less free space then someone with a modern widescreen.

I would like the hotkeys displayed when applicable on the button, ala Steel Panthers. i.e. the load button has an L in the corner. For us it would be the zero. Just for old farts with failing memory, like me.
junk2drive Wrote:I would like the hotkeys displayed when applicable on the button, ala Steel Panthers. i.e. the load button has an L in the corner. For us it would be the zero. Just for old farts with failing memory, like me.

You and me both, mate. I never remember a name, but I always forget a face. :conf:
K K Rossokolski Wrote:Being an old bloke, I can never remember all the Control this, Alt that, NumLk whatever...I reckon some more buttons would be better.

I take it that marking the buttons Control-Alt-A et al wouldn't work for you either then?


umbro Wrote:
K K Rossokolski Wrote:Being an old bloke, I can never remember all the Control this, Alt that, NumLk whatever...I reckon some more buttons would be better.

I take it that marking the buttons Control-Alt-A et al wouldn't work for you either then?


It would not, Umbro young fellow. Anyway, I have those buttons on my computer already, marked Ctrl, Alt and, believe it or not, A. I love the idea of easily understood, and manipulated click buttons, such as the turn-a-unit buttons on the Scenario Editor
Personally, I'd like to see the "right click" mouse button and the "wheel" come into play. The wheel, used with the control key, to view in and out; and the right click as a replacement for keyboarding. An engineer on a bridge hex for instance, right click, blow bridge. This way you wouldn't have to put down your glass of wine as often.

Jeez, I'm lazy.
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