
Full Version: Feature request
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One seemingly very minor detail that would have a huge impact on user friendliness: Resizeable windows.

Whenever you bring up the OOB from 'Info/Strength' or the unit info windows, they are fixed size windows. I find this extremely annoying that they can not be resized. I have a big screen, and want to make use of it! Am I the only one!?

Please make these windows (and any other you can find) resizeable.

Many of the dialog boxes would be nice to be able to re-size them. This was brought up over a year ago and it appears the rework that Tiller would have to do to make it work is too much time that is better invested in other activities for him. That is what I remember.

Dog Soldier
One of those things that seems simple but is not.

sorry. U struggle with it myself and want them all much bigger as I have the screen room to work - but I'm handcuffed like you. This will not change.

I agree with 33 Vortex -
The most irritating window that needs to be able to be resized is the "air mission dialog" - particulary as some of unit assignations are so long and availability/usage is often limited to a particular Corps/Army/Group/Front.

