
Full Version: HPS AOTR & PZ Cmp B'45
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Hi gang,:cool2:

New person to these forums but a old gamer from way back before most of you started playing...1960. I was a Avalon Hill Squad Leader playtester back when the game first appeared as a counter board game. LOL! Boy, the dental floss line of sight (aide) sure was valuable back then. (More chuckles).
I'm retired now and just purchased AOTR squad battles and Panzer Campaigns Budapest '45. Any info on how you like or dislike these two games would be appreciated. Also any general information or modding for either would be welcomed. I love the computer side of wargaming & simulations. I've used it in my classroom to get my students more interested in history.

Budapest 45 is a pretty good game. Lots of units. The Konrad scenarios are my favorites.

You would get plenty of replys for AOTR on the Squad Battles MB.

Have you seen the teasers for the Matrix computer version of Lock'n Load Heroes of Stalingrad? You being a Squad Leader man it might set you to drooling Big Grin

Yep, I've seen them and sort of can't wait. Thanx for a reply...I'd like to keep the conversation alive about these two games and what can be done to make them better. Ahh, Squad leader MB? Where at? :cool:
That shouldn't be to hard to do. There are at least a couple of guys working on scenarios and such.

Right this way to the Squad Battles MB sir :)

Thanx TIde...I'll check into it.....Oop's...I forgot.....I don't even have the games YET! They're being shipped as I write. LOL! :cool2: