
Full Version: August Newsletter - OUT NOW
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Hi guys

The August edition of the Blitz newsletter is out now and packed with some good articles.

August Newsletter

So go check it out.

Remember if you have anything you would like to see in the newsletter drop me a line and I will see what I can do.

Hi Marcus
Great job there pal.
My brother-in-law invited me over to watch the pay-per-view MMA fights --- of which the xSoviets would heartily disapprove, the nancies --- and I get back to find another infernal pop quiz awaiting.

Bah. Test not the military trivia omnipotence of Dr Duum. Your T-28 super heavy pales in comparison to my awesome wrath. And that anachronistic portrait of the Battle of Thermopylae, tis beneath contempt.

It's the less than distinguished zig zag destroyer that gives his Excellence a moment's pause. The hell? Other than the obsolete turrets and lack of funky aft superstructure, it's a dead ringer for the Fletcher class, so let's say it's the Fletcher itself in original configuration.

Give unto Dr Duum the points that he doeth deserve or forever feel his wrath! And cough up some aspirin if you got any to spare. He's gonna need them. Really, painkillers trump ladder points, if it comes down to it. Priorities and all ...

Curse you, Richards. Er, Wigam. Whatever.

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Just tried to google the ship but no luck. The other two are too easy just like you said ... tried to say ... or something.
Cur! The head of Dr Duum doth pound too much to listen to thy yelping!

The Doctor would not disapprove of some antiacid, either.

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Thanks for posting the link. Its good to read the Bltiz newsletter again. :)
remember it is kind of a competition and so if youhave the answers send them to my email please!

Wigam Wrote:remember it is kind of a competition and so if youhave the answers send them to my email please!

Oops. Terribly sorry! Last issue you got few responses, so after some time had passed you solicited input, which resulted in a public discussion.

I neglected to remember the "some time had passed" part last night, given my intellectual capacity was about on par with a really bright-eyed rhesus monkey.

Also, I think Walrus wants Dr Duum to seek medical treatment for his megalomania. (IIRC, it's actually narcissistic personality disorder if you're not wearing powered armor and shooting energy beams at anyone who aggravates you.)

Apologies again.

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Nice work on the newsletter again Wigam! :thumbs_up:

Anyone solved the picture quiz yet?