07-24-2008, 08:16 AM
0917_09x: Market-Garden - Additional Forces extended Campaign
"Hypothetical Scenario" After recieving word that the Allies were invading Holland, Hitler ordered that the 1st SS Panzer Corps be moved to the Nijmegen area (begining to arrive on the 21st)and join up with the 2nd SS Panzer Corps and help secure both the Arnhem and Nijmegen Bridges. Now facing two SS Panzer Corps, Gen. Horrocks (XXX Corps) requests reinforcements, Montgomery and Depsey order the 12th Corps and elements of the 8th Corps to move forward and relieve the pressure on XXX Corps' on the 23rd. This Campaign scenario is simular to 0917_04. Which has the 52nd (Lowland) Air Portable Division and vairable Polish Brigade Drop zones (including a drop near Deelen Airfield). However,It is assumed that the British 1st Airborne Division had better communications with England allowing Gen. Erqhuart the ability to change the drop zones of his reinforcements and supplies. Additional changes to the scenario are; 1) The scenario is extended in length by three days. 2) All the impassable hexes have been removed and the escaut canal line has been filled in with both German and Allied forces. 3) Both sides are given additional reinforcements which arrive late in the Campaign. 4) To help the 1st Airborne Division drive on Arnhem, The 1st Abn Recon Sqdrn can break down into platoon'sallowing it to fan out and set up blocking positions. This should give the paratroopers a chance to reach the bridge. Large Scenario 103 turns, Designer Modified by Gary Cobleigh
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