
Full Version: Mortain - Hitler's Gamble Version 1.02 by Jarrel Crider
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Mortain - Hitler's Gamble Version 1.02
This scenario was developed using the OOB and unit placement from Avalon Hill’s boardgame The Longest Day (TLD), designed by Randall Reed. TLD gives some battalion locations and approximate setup areas for divisions so I have tried to develop the positioning for Normandy ’44 using that as a basis and educated guesses as to where battalions/companies not given specific locations were at the start of the battle. The remnants of the 130 Panzer Lehr Aufklarung Battalion are given as “free setup” in the Avalon Hill game so I have put them in a position that makes sense to me, but may not be historical. If anyone has any information on this unit’s participation in the battle, I would appreciate hearing from them. The panzer divisions in Normandy ’44 have more tanks at full strength OOB than they do in TLD’s OOB and I have tilted tank strength toward the TLD interpretation.

The German attack on the night of 6-7 August achieved tactical surprise. Therefore, most of the Allied units begin the game fixed and will become free to move during the 7th. The allies will get an overall command unit (1st Army HQ) on the 8th to simulate their improving command structure during the battle. The Germans have no overall command unit, just two separate Korps (84th and 47th Pz).

Recommended Rules Settings:

Manual Defensive Fire-No
Automatic Defensive Fire-No
Optional Fire Results-Either
Optional Assault Results-Either
Alternative Indirect Fire Resolution-Yes
Locking Zones of Control-Yes
Alternative Air Strike Resolution-Yes
Higher Fatigue Recovery-No
Alternative Direct Fire Resolution-Yes
Indirect Fire/Air By the Map-No
Alternative Assault Resolution-Yes
Counterbattery Fire-Yes
Artillery Set Up-Yes
Night Fatigue-Yes
Recon Spotting-Yes
No Low Fuel Effects-No

Medium Scenario 24 turns, Designer Jarrel Crider

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