
Full Version: MBT ver4 can't count movement right
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About every move has a changing allowed area, first it shows that a certain hex is reachable but once I click to move there my unit stops right beside it. And another example is that I move to the furthest edge of the allowed area just to notice that I can move couple more. Odd. This is the first version that I notice this fault. Am I the only one with this problem?
Hi Vesku
I just opened a scenario and ran some units around, both infantry and AFV and sof skin...and there were no incidences of 'wrong' movement.

Have you checked more than one scenario?
Which armies were you playing and what date?
What units were the ones exhibiting the problem?
Did the units have passengers?

I am sure nothing has changed to do with MPs in the new version.
There was some new coding so you never know what weird stuff might have happened.

Good luck.
I'm playing against KG Rad and he has the same problem. And I have the problem in a campaign against Fokkov too.
West Germany vs Russia 8/66
tanks, apcs, tds, practically every unit that moves has the problem
Not sure about the passenger status, have to check next time.

I'll report after next turn with more info ... perhaps.
Tanks and TDs with and without passengers had the problem this turn.


yeah happens at slopes and when you move from whater to land
Good point! Slopes are doing it to me too.
In MBT v4.0 and WW2 v3.0 SPCamo changed movement in at least two ways:

1. Costs more to enter buildings

2. Costs less to move down hill (or more to move up hill) Previously I think it cost the same to enter a slope hex regardless of moving down/up/horizontal.

Anyway, it appears they failed to adjust the movement highlight to account for the new move costs. It's been reported and will no doubt be fixed in the next release.

OK found it:

5) The move cost for infantry (foot class) has been increased by 1 for wooden and stone buildings. Buildings will no longer be treated like open terrain

6) Units will only charged a movement penalty on entering a slope hex from a lower altitude so travel down hill is no longer penalised.

So it is a bug, thanks.