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Huh. Looks like I riled up a nest of metalheads. Maybe this will work for y'all:

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Urg...Drowning Pool is not really metal...
Here's a way better and more disturbing video for that same sone...:stir:

BTW...reggae is great for is classical just have to get the right stuff.

Indeed, Karelia suite from Sibelius, great stuff.
This one's especially for my opponent in Final Armageddon: SS Marduk!
And one of my personal favourites: the might Bolt Thrower!
And when you're waiting for the next attack......
Nice one John(txic)
Bolt Thrower indeed...the ultimate wargamers music cheers
My favorite is World Eater, but I couldn't find a video for it anywhere.
When I was on tour in London in '95 my band was mixed by their sound guy. He scored some cool stickers and posters from them for me. I still have the letter from the guy that sent them.
Also classic, they have one of the only women bass players in metal, Jo Bench I think her name was...super cool.

As for the mighty Maiden!
All hail and worship the spandex and dual lead breaks and the broken-est nose ever to play a drum kit!!!
They are so funny it's hilarious, but brilliant all the same.
I totally offended a good friend of mine (a total metal head) by saying they wrote heavy metal nursery rhymes...and I wasn't try to annoy him either...he didn't speak to me for a month...he he.

I was doing the Big Day Out tour here in Aussi at the beginning of this year and on the last night in Perth there was a huge free party for all the bands and crew. I was hammered, late in the night and thought I saw Dave Murry walking past me. Could have sworn it was him.
I could work it out until I saw the next day that Maiden were playing in Perth!
So it was him and I just didn't click...DUH!
I was annoyed I didn't get the chance to say "hurrah!" to him.

This has been a good thread.
Nice one Gene Big Grin

Cheers all
Nice to see that so many of us enjoy the maiden :)

Jason, you should whip yourself for missing Dave!
Walrus Wrote:I was doing the Big Day Out tour here in Aussi at the beginning of this year and on the last night in Perth

The next time you're out in the gulag, er Perth, you'll have to ring up Splintex. He's a playuh whom I suspect is a playuh, if you catch my drift.

Walrus Wrote:Nice one Gene Big Grin

It's a forum. Any jabber is good jabber as long as someone isn't calling someone else an idiot. And with this topic, we can even get away with a bit of that. (*cough* Vesku! *cough*) Better yet, we can bring up the Nazis around here and not evoke the Auto-Nuked Thread rule!

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