
Full Version: Flare for all my opponents
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Hi Guys,
I'm working a new job, the hours are long etc. I'm going to be slow for sure until Friday May 2nd when winter clean up ends, after that apparently things are less hectic. I'll do my best to keep things going but sorry if I fall behind.
Also the tournament is going to be delayed slightly as a result. I'll post the new start date as soon as I can.

Sorry all

Dan keepitloki
Correction to my last post:
I'm working every day until May 9th... Sorry for any inconvinience. I'll do my best to answer your e-mails and get turns out.
In answer to Veskus question: Yes results will be posted before round 2 begins. You guys who are still playing need to hurry it along please.
Sorry, didn't know there are unfinished battles.