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what is a Grognard?
From the Web-Grognards web: pageLINK

What is a 'grognard'?

To quote the Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed:- Grognard: a soldier of Napoleon's Old Guard; a veteran soldier; grumbler (French). 'Grognard' is also slang for someone who likes playing wargames. You might like to see if you are a grognard according to this definition, or in fun, short 10 point tests (test 1, test 2, test 3) or this more serious long test. Surveys of Consim-L subscribers reveal characteristics of grognards and how they started in the hobby. There is also an online survey of gamers. National Review has an article about grognards. The archetypal grognard is captured in the Larry Leadhead cartoon strip.
My definition of a Grognard..... :cool:

A person who thinks about the next move they plan on making in a scenario while stuck in traffic.

Playing scenarios for an extended period of time.... minimum of 1 year.

Getting sweaty palms and the jitters thinking of the next game release or update for the old game.

Well those are my thoughts on the subject :chin: Now I have to get back to the mayhem Charlie-66 is causing my Ubermench cheers

tide1 Wrote:My definition of a Grognard..... :cool:

A person who thinks about the next move they plan on making in a scenario while stuck in traffic.

Playing scenarios for an extended period of time.... minimum of 1 year.

Getting sweaty palms and the jitters thinking of the next game release or update for the old game.

Guilty on all charges Gary