
Full Version: B45 Anyone? Scen: 450112_01:Paula Breakout Alt
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Anyone want to be the Russian opponent in Operation Paula? 90 turns - medium map. The scenario is a "what-if" scenario where instead of Operation Konrad, the Germans launch Operation Paula to relieve Budapest. It would have occurred later than historical, with the Germans more organized but the Russians have more troops and more time to organize their defense to absorb the attack.

Let me know.

I'm game. Why don't you send me your openning move. Cheers.
Great DDD! I will work on the first turn and send to you.

DDD, I sent you the first turn. Let me know of you get it. Want to make sure it gets through your providers' spam filters. Sometimes the first turn from a new email address doesn't get through. I will add you to my contacts so it does not get hung up in the trash or bulk mail folder for Yahoo!Mail.

Hi Von Nev,

I think you sent the first move to an old email address. Could you send it again to [email protected]. Thanks and Happy New Year.

Hi Bob,

I resent the first turn to the new address.
