
Full Version: Flashpoint Germany vs. HPS MC series
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Just curious for the opinion of the fellow MC players of the game from Matrix called Flashpoint Germany.

I keep hearing about how good this game is, yet I'm not overly impressed with what I've seen at the Matrix website.

So how do my fellow NGP/FG'85 players view this game?

I have it and played a few of the scenarios. It played well enough. I just didn't fall for it like I did with the HPS games.

tide1 Wrote:I have it and played a few of the scenarios. It played well enough. I just didn't fall for it like I did with the HPS games.


Not seen or heard of it before but the square tile layout looks horrible. As if hexes weren't restrictive enough, square tiles... :kill: I mean come on, how can someone even come up with the idea of square tiles? Is there any advantage to square tiles over hexes besides, maybe, being a shortcut for developers?