
Full Version: Attention opponents of Fubar Mk.2 and a tech question.
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Just got a new PC today and expect it's going to take me a few days to connect it to my other PC and transfer files from the old machine that's going. So there may be a quiet period while i'm offline breaking things. :rolleyes:

My question is...

If i install WinSP MBT on the new machine and copy over my PBEM game saves will that cause a security alert when i try to load them ?

it depends on the security setting I believe, if it's a non-secure setting, simply copy and paste over to the new folder.. if it's secure, you're hosed if you move it ....

been there, done that...
To be a bit more precised :with basic security you are good to go (despite security alerts), with full security you are screwed.
Thanks guys, i think i'll hang on to the old PC and set it up in another room until i finish my current games. :chin:

I recommend giving up full security, it has killed several games for me.