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I'm very new to this PBEM stuff and I'm currently trying to conduct a game with another guy in boot camp. I think I might be giving him a hard time because I'm an imbecile with computers. Would anyone be willing to run me through a short game so I can learn the ropes? I don't mind getting completely thrashed. (Not that I'm into that sort of thing)
Hi keepitloki,

I sent you an email, actually you are good. I am actually the one who pulled the grenade and threw the pin, we should be on track now. (I soon as I get rid of this grenade).
I'd love to hear what comes out of this :)
OK yes, now we're on track. Last one to Valhalla's a rotten egg.
LOL - at least you pulled the pin.. better than tossing the grenade, only to have your opponent pull the pin and throw it back..

