
Full Version: Seek Hull Down Order
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...Just wondering,does anyone use this?
Everytime i try,seems i

I much more prefer to find the hulldown myself by going to the lowest view and determine myself what a good position is, the seek hulldown order is, in my opinion the easy and less effective way you could use if you don't feel like micromanaging, but that might not give you many victories.
In short: It's best to do it yourself.
I've been thinking the same thing,
But just wondered if i was missing
Thanks for the Feedback on my question.

Agree with Hawk555.
Never use "hull down" order myself.
I do it from view #2 or #1 if necessary, and satisfaction guarantied every time.
You can see the edge of the sloped map tile, where it meets the flat one (top of the rise) even in the second view.
Just place your movement marker on it, as close to the edge as you like, etc. No matter how close you are to the edge of your sloped counter, the vehicle will be considered hull down..