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Hi folks,

As I said here it is Allied AAR.

6 June
From Utah to Sword Beachs
ABD: Airborne Division
ID: Infantry Division.
ArB: Armoured Brigade
ArD: Armoured Division
AD: Armored Division
PzD: Panzer Division
SSB: Special Service Brigade

82th and 101th AB divisions capture St Mere Eglise and the bridge over the Merderet river by 06.00.
St Marie du Mont, Chef du Pont and Martin de Varreville captured by 08.00.
Etienville reached at 10.00, Etienville and Pouppeville taken by 16.00 by 82th ABD
Make contact with 4th ID by 12.00.
St Come du Mont taken by 18.00.
No german attempt to counterattack the paras. 6th Fallmishjaeger regiment spotted entrenching in Carentan, they control the bridges.

Rangers capture St Pierre du Mont.
Initial landings of 1st, 2th, 29th and 30th ID. Omaha slaughter starts.
The bunker between St Lauren and Colleville, taken thanks heavy warship fire.
St Laurent bunker taken by 18.00 due concentrated assaults. Quickly followed by Forest trenches besides Colleville, allied control now 3 contiguous hexes. Allies start off beach movements.

Initial landings of 8th ArB, 79th ArD and 50th ID.
Gold beach run very well, few casualties. All Gold is secured by 14.00
Gold and Juno linking hands at Banville at mid day.
Inland advances show Sommervieu-Fontenailles-Creully line taken.
Arromanches isolated.
No sight of 21th PzD.

Initial landings of 2nd Canadian ArB, 79th ArD and 3th Canadian ID.
Devastating fire from warships disrupted german defenders of the bunker left of Courseulles sur Mer, quickly captured by elements of 79th Armored Division.
Juno beach run very well, few casualties, although a bit harder than Gold.
Juno is secured by 12.00.
Reached Thaon and crossed the Mue river with elements of 2nd Canadian ArB. Tailleville taken. Pounding the strong point protecting Douvres crossroad.
No sight of 21th PzD.

Initial landings of 27th ArB, 79th ArD, 3rd ID and 1st SSB.
First cracks on Sword bunker system (left of Riva Bella) captured by 3th ID early in the morning. Half Riva Bella taken by 12.00. Hermanville sur Mer quickly taken. Riva Bella taken by 1st SSB by 18.00.
Sword left outer bunker line still holds but 3rd ID make a hole at Periers-Bienville, german resistance at Blainville.
Recon elements of 1st Corps linking hands with 2nd Canadian Corps at Augerny, that makes all 3 beach zones Juno, Gold and Sword linked (despite Douvres pocket will take some time to neutralize).
No sight of 21th PzD.

Orne-Canal de Caen area:
6th ABD captures Pegasus Bridge and all minor villages between Toufreville (defended by elements of 21th PzD) and Troarn. Also isolated german forces at Franceville bunker system. Two bridges over Dives river taken.
Main line between St Honorine (taken) –Toufreville (axis control)- Troarn (axis control)

Overall I think it was a fantastic first day, even at Omaha: ABD divisions firmly hold their ground having secured all critical areas, now 4th ID is moving inland. All Commonwealth sectors are linked, 6th ABD hold Pegasus Bridge and make some inland advances.
My main concern is 21st PzD, they don’t show their faces yet.
German AAR

From 84th Corps, 6th June 1944, St Lo to OKW

Allied parachute landings and seaborne landings in divisional strength reported from the Cotentin peninsula to the east of the Orne River.

Three Parachute divisions, two American and one British, and six infantry divisions, three American and three British, identified in action so far. Conclude that this is a major undertaking with the intention to develop full scale operations.

In the west a large scale parachute landing by two American divisions supported by the seaborne landing of one infantry division has resulted in the creation of a bridgehead approximately 20 kms deep and 15 kms wide bounded by the River Douve and the line Azeville-Orglandes-Etienville. Casualties have been light and reaction forces are being moved to contain the perimeter.

A landing by two American divisions on a frontage of 8kms in the area of 352nd Infantry division (ID) north of Formigny has resulted in enormous casualties for the invading toops. Small incursions off the beaches have only reached 2kms inland and further significant advances are unlikely.

The British landing between Arromances and Riva Bella consisting of three divisions have pushed inland approximately 5kms, greatly helped by the support of many special engineer vehicles, which surprisingly were not used by the Americans. 716th ID has suffered heavy casualties but has fought well and inflicted severe damage to the invading forces.

Across the whole front very heavy air and naval support has played an important part in the invaders operations.

Reinforcements requested to allow for the destruction of Allied bridgeheads.
Good read, keep them coming. Pictures would be nice.

Very nice indeed! Makes me want to purchase the title!!!
7 June. 22.00 (Allied turn) 6366 VP. Allies Major Defeat.

82th ABD takes Orglandes against 91th Luftlande D.
101th ABD crossed the Douved above Carentan. Fighting against Carentan defenders (Fallsch Rgt 6). Takes Azeville bunker system.
4th ID at the very doors of Montenburg, figting through bocage against 91th Luftlande
90th ID takes Fontenay sur Mer by 22.00

Situations is getting better, early in the morning Colleville bunker fell under restless assaults.
Surrain taken by 10.00.
St Honorine des Pertes surrounded by 12.00 and taken by 22.00
Formingy taken by 12.00.
Longueville, Bellefontaine and Louviere taken by 18.00
29th ID takes Treviers and Mandeville by 20.00
Vierville bunker system still holds by 22.00

Arromanches taken by concentrated assaults of 50th ID by 02.00
79th ArD takes Bayeux by 22.00
50th ID and 8th ArB cut main road between Caen and Bayeux. Half a dozen minor villages taken.
22th ArB (Desert Rats): attack through Bayeux against German 352th ID and Schnelle Brig. 30
4th ArB gathering.

2nd Canadian ArB entered Caen, inflicting heavy loses.
3rd Canadian ID pushing 21st PzD PG’s out of Caen.
51th ID closing to Caen.
By 22.00 Caen is in allied hands.

Douvres Pocket:
Langrune bunker taken by 02.00.
Another bunker taken by 12.00.
Lion sur Mer bunker taken by 14.00,
Douvres bunker taken by 16.00
Strong point bunker between Taileville y Douvres taken by assault by 20.00
Only 1 strong point still holds.

1st SSB, 27th ArB and 3rd ID shifts to help 6th ABD.
Herouville (outskirts of Caen) reached early in the morning.

Orne-Canal de Caen area:

By 02.00 21st PzD and 12th SS PzD show their faces, with a strong joint attack against the sleeping paras.
From 02.00 to 16.00 heavy air and naval fire rained upon them, quickly 3rd ID and Commandos from SSBs, joined the fierce fight, causing many losses, AT guns and concentrated fire from massed 27th ArB decimated some german tanks companies.
By 16.00 german attack fall back, later they reagruped and starts a long range tank fire exchange. Commonwealth infantry advance, pressing german panzer grenadiers.
6th ABD is put to rest after their sector gentle defense.

Overall day report: 7 June was a great day for the invasion force: Mortenburg line reached, Carentan under attack, 80% of Omaha taken, Bayeux taken, the main road between Caen and Bayeux cutted, the greastet achievement: Caen is in Allied hands, a really strong panzer counterattack repulsed (one batt Mk4 from 21st PzD and both armor batts from 12th SS PzD were used plus plenty of PG infantry and support) and now Allied are a few km of Steelworks.
Pardon me, but is this the stock campaign you are playing?
No, it's your _alt version
OK, thanks!

Wow, you took Caen by June 7th? Can't say that I have ever done that so quickly. It must of been lightly held?
Volcano Man Wrote:OK, thanks!

Wow, you took Caen by June 7th? Can't say that I have ever done that so quickly. It must of been lightly held?

I think so, Brian make a really strong counterattack against 6th ABD, I think he held about 1 panzer grenadier regiment plus support (some french tanks from 21st PzD) units at Caen, I realize that and sent full Canadian Armored Brigade plus 3rd Canadian ID, plus elements of 51th ID to Caen, those tanks rampaged through and take Caen after few turns.
Ahh, ok. The temptation to try and wipe out the British airborne quickly always leads to problems for the Germans in other areas.
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